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and reported favourably. It is a large tract, well timbered, and finely watered, containing inexhaustible supplies of Iron, Coal, and Lime, and withal exceedingly healthy. There is not so much arable land as might be desired, but between 150 and 200 acres might be cultivated. Iron and coal are of the best quality and easily. Sufficient Iron, Wood, and Coal is now ready for market to furnish all needed capital for recuperating the works. One furnace is but little damaged. There is a large quantity o f stock and teams on the place. It is situated about 50 miles above Selma, on the Ala. & Tenn. R.R.* I signified my desire to occupy this property, and took measures to procure an efficient officer to appoint over it management. In this, there was much delay and disappointment, one most excellent office, having been compelled to decline the detail, though desirous of it, by the condition of his family. Then came the movement of troops, to be mustered out, which rendered details impossible, at least it was so stated at Head Quarters, and now there is an application for needed help in the Adj Genl.'s office which has been there unanswered for more than  

Transcription Notes:
There is a * next to "Ala. & Tenn. R.R." for some reason. - Page 228 should be inserted there