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and Randolph in Bibb should be the locations of officers and the centres near which the house colony may for those countries should be gathered.

The delay in setting the claims upon Government property here between the Bureau and the custom house officers is very trying. These men are utterly reckless and outrageous. They have been tearing down the houses of Frenchmen, built from their scanty earnings, by patient toil, on Government lands, and turning them homeless into the street. This evening, I procured an order from the commandant of the post forbidding it. It remains to be seen whether they will heed that. They declare that they are going to sell these lands, although the marshal has filed information against them for trial in the U.S. Court. The bricks from which a steady and abundant revenue might have accrued to the Bureau are nearly all sold. 

I enclose a list of the property levied upon by the U.S Marshal, and would inquire if it designed that I should make out the report on the blanks sent to include all this. The Bureau has not possession of a foot of it except in theory. If these interlopers could be excluded, there would be