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Office Sup't R.,F. & A.L.,
Sub-District Huntsville, Alabama,
Huntsville Nov 24th 1865,

C. Cadle
Col &. A.A. Gen
Montgomery Ala

I have the honor to transmit invoice of abandoned and confiscated property on books 1st Nov. With the Statement that in addition to the rents on hand Nov 1st. the remains from rents collected of G. P. Bierne for Sepr & Oct $ 100.
M. Stratham for [[Strage?]] Property
Sept & Oct 80
Amt Brot down 20
$ 200.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
T. M. Goodfellow
Chap 101 USCI
Supt &c

R. L.S. Nov 24/65 

Transcription Notes:
U.S.C.I. - U.S. Colored Infantry.