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of renting out his house  & furniture and leaving his home was a mere business one and no abandonment of his property to avoid the presence & control of the Federal Authorities - In furtherance of his truthful asserations your petitioner states that after reaching his plantation in Mississippi having business which called him back to North Alabama in the fall of the year 1863 he knowing the fact that the Authorities of the United States Government had possession of the town of Huntsville, voluntarily came to his home and within the lines and was most kindly treated by them, being permitted by them to return to Mississippi to attend to his business without molestation of any sort.

Your petitioner understands that his house and lot has been leased to some association, but he trust that this lease will not be any grounds of interference in restoring him his rights

He now files with this paper the contract for rent spoken of above between himself & Brown, as also a copy of the Oath of Amnesty, which he understands to be necessary ~ Your petitioner admits that in 1860 & 1861, he belonged to the Breckinridge wing of the democracy and was what was called a secessionist he further states that although