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office clerk, much less in the responsible position of controller of a County. Mr. Lockwood, however, who applied for Perry County some time ago, is an exception at least, so far as I have any means of judging. But for Wilcox County, I know of none who would do so well as the enlisted men who have been there. More than half a score of the prominent citizens have asked me to use every exertion to have them retained.

I would respectfully imagine of the bills passed by the Legislation are to be considered in force now. I have not seen the date in any instance at which they come in force, but presume it is from and after passage. I must in the belief, however, that such unjust legislation will not be allowed to go into force.

Pardon me if I press upon your consideration once more the pressing need of action in reference to homes for the helpless freed people who are soon to be thrown upon the Bureau. At least, please let me me know what to do in regard to them. Shall I refuse to receive them?

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt
Sam'l S. Gardner
Sup't District  

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