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Mobile Ala. Aug. 18th/65

Brig. Gen'l Wayne Swayne.
Ass't Comss'r Bureau of Ref. F. and A.L.


In accordance with your instructions I saw Brig. Genl. Woods Chf. of Staff, and he informed that it was not intended to have the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] Medical College vacated till a suitable building was found to replace it. 

The building was assigned to me as Asst. Supt. here for Educating Freed people. I was directed to cause such repairs to be made as would prevent the "apparatus and anatomical instruments from being injured". This latter responsibility The N.W.F.P. Asso. through their agent Mr Branch expressed their willingness to accept provided they were allowed sole charge of the building. 
The roof of the building is nearly flat and is covered with some patent material, it leaks like a sieve, and cannot be patched nothing but a new