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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, Sept 7th, 1865.

Hon. E. W. Stanton
Secretary of War. 


I recommend, an order to be issued in substance, as follows:

General Order No

To provide for the transportation required by the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, it is ordered, that upon the requisition of the Commissioner, of the Asst. Commissioners of the Bureau, transportation may be furnished such destitute Refugees and Freedmen, as are dependent upon the Government for support to points where such support will become unnecessary. 
2nd Free transportation on Government Transports and U. S Military Rail Roads will be furnished such teachers only of Refugees and Freedmen, and persons laboring voluntarily in behalf of Refugees and Freedmen, as may be duly accredited by the Commissioner or Asst Commissioners of the Bureau.

Transcription Notes:
edited: removed Archive stamp, per SI ignore,