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Headquarters, Department of Louisiana, 
New Orleans, LA., Aug 19 1865.

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. General C. R. Wood, Comd'g the Dept. of Alabama with the request that he will relieve this Officer and order him to reform his Regiment.

E [[?]] 
Major-General, Commanding. 
EBA 372.

H 24. Dept Ala. 1865

Head Quarters
Dept Alabama 
Mobile Aug 28/65.

Respectfully returned to Brig Genl. Swayne. Asst. Com. Bureau Freedmen Montgomery. Who will please suggest an officer to relieve Capt. Poillen - 
By order of
Maj Gen C R Woods
Jno. H. Wilson

EBA 59 
Rec'd. D.A.
Rec'd Dept Ala. Aug 28. 1865.

Transcription Notes: