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Head Qrs. 68th U.S. Colored Infy
Pineville La. August 10th. 65

Major R. Des. Anges
Ass't. Adj't. Genl.
Dept. of Louisiana and Texas.


I have the honor to respectfully request that Captain William A. Poillon 68 US. Colored Infty — now detached for special duty in Freedman's Bureau. pr. Special Field order. No 58. Current Series from Hd Qrs. Army and division of West. Miss. — may be relieved and returned to duty with his Regiment.

The total number of Officers now present with the Regiment is Sixteen; — Taking out of that number Four Field and Staff, leaves but twelve Company Officers of which two are sick and entirely unfit for duty. This leaves the Companies with but one Officer to each, — to command them and to fill details — in consequence of which the services of the Captain are very much needed.

I am Sir Very Respectfully
Your Most Obdt Servt
R J Hanna
Major 51 U S Col Infty
Commanding Regiment

Transcription Notes:
edited: removed Archive stamp, per SI ignore,