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Athens Ala
Oct 19th 1865

Gen C. B. Fisk
Asst Comr &c

I respectfully beg leave to present to you this, my petition that the Government will afford to me and my three children, indemnity for the losses and deprivation we have suffered during the last two years, through the occupation of our farm in the southern part of this county (our only means of support) as a corral and Govt farm.
And in connection therewith I would lay before you the following statement of facts feeling assured that our care being understood justice will be awarded.
I base this petition upon a special Pardon from the President of date [[?]] July '65 together with the circumstances herein stated. 
With the aid of a manager I cultivated the farm in '62. In Oct '63 before the crop was gathered, I was called to Lynchburg Va by afflictions in my family. I left the farm in possession and control of the manager, intending to return after a short visit. But North Ala, being soon thereafter occupied by Federal

Transcription Notes:
edited: removed Archive stamp, per SI ignore,