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requires it - as well as their own part - and the crops of both parties are to be worked alike -
7th- That as soon as the females can be spared from the crop- the said females are to [[strikethrough]] make [[/strikethrough]] spin, wear and make up clothing for their own respective families - cotton, now on the plantation, will be supplied there for that purpose - but they are not to waste the same- 
8th- That the said Penick, formerly for many years a Physician, will give the said negroes whose names are signed to this contract.[[strikethrough]] paid to each of their families [[/strikethrough]]- when sick, his own individual medical attention without charge. He is not bound to employ or pay for any physician to attend on them or their families while sick- [[strikethrough]] The said negroes are to pay for the medicine and to the said Penick in his treatment of them while they are sick  [[/strikethrough]]
9th - That as there is not enough provisions on the plantation to support them or their families - the males are to work out & the females also, if necessary, to get provisions, when and wherever the said Penick may direct -
10th- That the said negroes are not to take any thing belonging to the said Penick for their own use, or trade off the same, or for any other purpose without his consent, but will carefully preserve his property- and if any theft be committed on the plantation or on the property of the said Penick by any person & should it be known to them or either of them, that they are to make it known to the said Penick immediately.
11th- That the said negroes are at all times to attend to the stock of the said Penick- well and faithfully- and two of the males are to stay at home on Sunday to attend to them as usual, and the said negroes or such of them as may be required are to cook, wash & iron, milk the cows and do any and all such customary duties

Transcription Notes:
Corrected last name to Penick in all instances as confirmed in previous transcriptions already available in Smithsonian archives.