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committed on the plantation or on the property of the Said Penick by any person & should it be known to them or either of them.  That they are to make it known to the said Penick immediately. 11th -  that the said negroes are at all times to attend to the stock of the said Penick - well and faithfully - and two of the males are to stay at home on Sunday to attend to [[??]] as usual, and the said negroes or such of them as may be required are to cook, wash & iron, milk the cows and do any and all such customary duties as may in the opinion of the said Penick [[strikethrough]] may [[/strikethrough]]be necessary.  about the house & farm until the 25th of December 1865 - They are also to take good care of the farming utensils and blacksmith tools of the Said Penick
12th - This contract was written under the supposition that all the hands who labored on the plantation of the said Penick from the first of January 1865 up to this date should sign the same - But if any of the said hands, should refuse to sign- than those so refusing, are and and shall be excluded entirely from the benefits thereof - And should the said Penick procure other hands to work the crop arising from the refusal of any of the hands, who labored from the 1st of January 1865 to this date to sign this contract & should the hands so procured, work the crop, and carry out in all respects the provisions are of this contract, they are to have an equal share with the ballance of the hands working the crop.  of that past of the crop which was intended by this contract as compensation for their labor.  

In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this the 1st day of June 1865
WC Penick
Asbury [his X mark]
York [his X mark]
Bunk [his X mark]
Rebecca [her X mark]
Randal [his X mark]
Robin [his X mark]
Etta [her X mark]
Patsey [her X mark]

W.R. Samuel
H.A. Penick
Wm S Penick