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Bureau Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Mobile August 31st, 65

Major Chas. A. Mellén
Act A.A.G.


I respectfully request some information in Regard to Abandoned Property. I found that property the most liable to confiscation and of which we have the most conclusive evidence - is from the very nature of its liability been covered with fraudulent claims changed hands for Confederate money. or occupied by some persons or family placed in charge by the Rebel who abandoned it much of this property has been bought by Jews and all the liability - or evidence of liability - to confiscate is clear and uninfringeable.
There are a few Abandoned Houses in the suburbs now occupied by refugees and Freedmen I cannot learn of any houses in the district occupied by above mentioned persons The House of Genl Jack Dean is clearly confiscable
Major Humphries has a very valuable