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Tuscumbia Ala November the 24th 165 
Dear Sir I will write you a few lines which I hope you will attend to it for we poore martials we man has no shoing here if thea can be any shoing far us Du Lend us a helpin hand for the first place we want a school here + cant get one + if we has money we cant by aney thing we de Sien ex sept we get a white man to get it for us + we pay tax on the street as well as eney bodey + I think we should hav Justice here in Tu Cumbia We are sub deck to evry thing that a white man has in the way of paing tax if we get sick we cant get 5 cents worth of whiskey ex sept geting a order from a white man if we mak our living onist  Why should aney bodey kere if I shold hav money a nuff to start me a grosary Why not BeCause I am black dont mak me a rouge Say if we want to hunt the all says it is a gants the law to sell negros powder and shot if you had the amminison you has not get the land to hunt on you kant hunt on mine if a white man strik you with a rock you are not Lowed to look mad at him soe god help you I pray + send us sum help