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We want Justice We want Justice Gennel 
you can send us one companey if you please
We are treted here like dogs

petten mesenger
kenny mesengen
henry Simpson
Joe Simpson
Port Simpson
Gug Jaeson
Taylan Patison
York Diedon
Lew Anstead
Levi Patison
Jim Andenson
Frank Leigh
King Goodlow
Bank Sherrod
Winston Gnane
Anten Whoon
Henry Rop
Levi McDolnel
Henry Kellen
Blak Hogum
Petton Slass
Lowes Bankley
Green Merridith
Mat Hobs
Jim Leigh
What More
Wash Johnson
John Thomkins
Gorge Mennel
Mat Nusum
Gang Nusum
Alford Bank
Nath Barton
Jim Steel
Henry Fannis
Charley Glaspie
Cha Ja Ba Hoks
David Nelson
Washington DeVinia
Gus Thomkins
Sanda Sherrod
Lew Hagun
Pant Hogun
Charles Esten
Benney Nanman
Steave Guy
for the Lord Sakes help us

[[sideways right margin]] the Beau Ro we ant no more then a cat here [[/right margin]]

[[middle margin]] Duue Send us a garrison [[//middle margin]]