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Selma Home Colony of Freedmen
Selma Ala December 14th 1865


I have the honor to inform you that about the first of October last I was detatched frome my Co. &. Regt. and assigned to duty in the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, and took charge of the Selma Home Colony, then being established on the Griffen Plantation for the year of 1866. As I have had to put the Plantation [[strikethrough]] to put [[/strikethrough]] in repair for next year I should like to remain in charge of it after I am mustered out of the service. Whitch I presume will [[strikethough]] will [[/strikethrough]] occur about the first of March as the term of Service of my Regt expires near that time

Therefore I have the honor to request that you retain me in charge of the Colony untill the end of the year 1866. The only recomendations I have to offer is, That I am a Veteran, voulenteer. Having been in the United States Service since August, 16th 1865 and served three years of the time a Private. I am allso a Farmer and it will be to late to do much towards farming next year after I am mustered out of the service. The term of Service of my second enlistment expires Feb 22nd 1867

I would respectfuly referr you to