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La Grange Georgia
August 15th 1865

To the Adjt Gen. 
Commanding Dept of Alabama 

Thomas F. Redd states that he is a resident of the state of Mississippi & has been for many years, that he was living quietly on his plantation in Washington County in said state near Skipwiths Landing on the Mississippi River until Feby 1863 when Capt W H. Osborne (now Col.) then commanding Genl Grants Body Guard came to his house with his command and took from him all his stock of every description comprising 65 mules 100 head of cattle 25 head of horses together with all his supplies and at the same time some 30 odd of his most efficient young negro men went off with Capt Osborne that he was left with a large number of helpless women & children on his hands without any means of supporting them at home- that he was forced to remove at a heavy expense, they being unwilling