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course due return has been made to the Treasury Department.
Your petition further shows that she is a loyal citizen of the United States; that she accepts, & will support the Constitution of the United States, other laws & proclamations of the United States, since the rebellion, & the policy of the Government, for the restoration of the State of Alabama, to its Federal duties, & relations. That she ardently desires the peace, tranquility, and prosperity of her Country.
Petitioner prays an order from your Bureau, restoring to her the possession of her said house, & the personal property above specified; and if the said articles of personal property, or part of the same cannot be found, that the Treasury Agent may be required to disclose what disposition he has made of the same - & that she may receive compensation for the same.

Mrs. Jane E. Weeden

Sworn [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] and subscribed before me Provost Marshal this twenty first day August 1865.
Thomas Howlett
Capt 189th O.V.I & Provost Marshal