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to abandon her House lot and furniture in Huntsville Ala. Nor did she intend by the move to her plantation Thirty Five miles from Huntsville [[strikethrough]] intend [[/strikethrough]] to get within the Confederate lines for the purpose of aiding the rebellion. Her entire object was to get to her plantation to superintend it and protect if possible the only property from which she deemed a support.

Joseph C Bradley

subscribed and served to before me this 21st of August A D 1865. 
Mr Kennedy, Capt 46 Wis V.T. and Pro. Marl.
Dist. Northern Ala
(of Huntsville)

Head Quarters
District Northern Ala
Huntsville Aug 25 1865

I certify that the statements of J C Bradley are labelled to full credit, and that he has always been loyal to the government of the United States

RS Granger Bvt Maj Genl

Transcription Notes:
2-14-2021: Transcribed and marking for review ed