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Wetumpka Ala Augst 22d 1865

Gen W Swayne

My dear Sir, as I promised to report to my progress in organizing a shool in our place, for the colored population, I proceed to make known to you a few facts in relation to that matter.

First, a retired, yet conveniant lot, of ten acres of ground, was offered for $1,00. It is the highest building ground in the Citty commanding a clear view of the river and country scenery, for many miles, and has on it two exelant springs. Arrangements were being started, to purchase and build, both a school and teacher's houses on the lot; but it was considered best in the mean time, to rent an offered room, for a month's use, while the buildings were in [[coarse?]] of structure. The amount of rent, $10, was raised yesterday at the Baptist [[strikethrough]] coullered collered [[/strikethrough]] coulered meeting, and notice given that the school would open this morning. But certain evil disposed parties (and such exist every where) threatened the owner of the room, that if he allowed it to be thus occupied, they would have it burned. He therefore