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H. S. Sanitary Commission,
Soldier's Home
Stevenson [[strikethrough]] Nashville, Tenn., [[/strikethrough]] 10th Mar 27th 1865

To Genl Fisk

Respt friend
When I was in Washington City nearly 3 mos since, Secty Stanton informed me that the Genl Govt was very favorable to the work in which I was engaged (educating the Freed people); and that the officers were disposed to do all in their power to promote and encourage the establishment of additional schools throughout the south. Last winter I [[?]] rations, and had the transportation & now I get no rations, and have to pay full fare [[?]]. I do not mean to complain at all, for I know that our Govt is great in debt; but inasmuch as this work is considered a useful branch of Govt policy, I think some facilities should be afforded to teachers for making expenses light as possible.

Transcription Notes:
unable to make out unknowns