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Huntsville Alabama
Oct 14th 1865

Genl C B Fisk
Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Nashville Tenn

The application of James C White, Lawrence H Scruggs & John O Robinson shows that prior to the year 1861 they owned jointly seized & possessed of House & lot of land situated in the City of Huntsville County of Madison State of Alabama known as the brick Storehouse of White Scruggs & Robinson in the South East corner of the public square. In the year 1861 each one of the applicants entered the army of the Confederate States & became a soldier therein At the close of the War, Scruggs held the Office & Rank of Lieutenant Col. White & Robinson the rank of privates.
They further show that neither of them possess property to the value

Transcription Notes:
2-15-2021: The writer's "&" look like "2"; Transcribed and marking for review edited: per SI ignore Archives stamp, removed, corrections