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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, December 14 1865.

Bvt. Maj. Genl Wager Swayne
Asst Commissioner &c


I am directed by Maj. Genl. Howard to write your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter of instructions from the Sec'y of War bearing date Dec. 11. directing the officers of this Bureau to render such assistance to Maj. Genl Humphrey in the work of reconstructing the levee along the Mississippi River, as may be in their power; and to request you to assist in carrying into execution the spirit and letter of these instructions.

You will please furnish each Sub Agent of the Bureau with a copy of the instructions and will issue such specific orders as may be necessary to insure their compliance therewith.

Maj. Genl. Humphreys will communicate with you and make his requisition for laborers, designating the points to which they are to be sent, directly upon you, and you will facilitate his aspirations by giving an organization to the bodies of freedmen that you and to report to him, similar to that bestowed upon the "Pioneer Corps" of the Army.

You will furnish transportation and supplies to these bodies of laborers, until they are committed to General 

Transcription Notes:
edited: per SI ignore Archives stamp, removed,