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Stoughton March 11th 1951
Dear Doris
Still having cold wintery weather 20° this Morning and a slight snow just covering the ground. the wind has mostly taken the snow away and its pretty much gone by moon. I have been up early so to let her sleep. which she did and is feeling very much better. I think the swelling of the knee is not paining her so much. the new pills seem to agree with her better those old ones upset her stomac and made her feel sick of the eating its seems so funny to have these snow storms and then to have it go so quick when there isn't any sun to melt them. the wind seems to be better than the sun. in a few hours the snow that covered the ground early in the day, has pretty much all gone before 10 O clock. this is the month for wind and we are having it good and plenty. It is palm Sunday she