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Stoughton February 25th 1951

Dear Doris, a very nice sunny day so we can see that the snow that came Thursday is melting and ground is showing roads are mostly free from snow I swept a path out front for the postman. so the ground is showing there. I think March will be more spring like. I hope your folks are by this time free from colds & your house is warmer. I am writing my letter as usual up stairs in the front chamber sitting comfortably in the chair sweating. Mrs Barry is still suffering with her painful knee she suffered & never slept a wink all night but got two or three hours sleep in the morning. I have just been down stairs but she was not there so think she may be up in her room trying to sleep today it does seem strange how that pain doesn't leave her Doctors say it was water on the knee & if removed it probably would come again not very encouraging it takes her strength also her appetite. she walks around with a cane and sometimes with a crutch. The Brides sisters are going to stay in Florida till the middle of March so my letter I sent yesterday