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Stoughton February 11th 1951 

Dear Doris.  

We have been having zero weath most of this last week but yesterday it grew little warmer down to 20° this morning with a snow storm yester day it snowed while the sun was shining. a big storm was prophesied but this morning it cleared & so far we only got just a little about an inch. I hope that will be all we get but clouding up we may get more. I hope your house gets warmer we seem to be getting our winter now. glad the weather is so you can get out & hope you don't get our slippery going, and windy temperature. The snow is disappearing there is hardly any left on our side of the street. I am glad to see it go & its growing warmer, hope you are having warmer weather down there. we are going to have sword fish for our dinner to day. I dont feel hungry these days. I take every night before