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Stoughton Jan 21st, 1951

Dear Doris,
We are having nice mild weather so far the winter has been very remarkable but February is yet to come & they prophesy a very snowy month is still to come. so far our snow has been very light only one the this last one has been bad bare ground has been with us constantly.  Friday afternoon Ella Holmes came & spent the afternoon she had a glorious visit so she hated to go back & stayed till dark Mr Legg is used up & his wife fell & was unable to get around she has been a hard working lady in spite of her affliction. her courage is what has kept her agoing - the Brides sisters are taking a vacation down in Miamie Florida we both had cards from them this week. I guess they both needed the rest. the Garage they had built this sid of their house hides us from looking over at their house it is very long. their father is a very graceful person you ought to have seen him dance. he is 94 years old & very light on his feet. he asked me if I could dance. & then went into our front room & you ought to see him dance on his feet no wonder he is proud to show his ability at his age. All the Bride family think a great deal of