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Session in Pike County, I also gave their names to the Solicitor of the District. On my arrival at Elba Coffee County I found no County Officers and beaing [[being]] verry [[very]] short of Forage onley [[only]] remained at that place a few hours when I again started for Troy. On my road to Troy I found and arrested Winslow who is accused in the first part of this report of having committed violance on the person of Said negro. This man Winslow I turned over to the Civil Authorities at Troy as per order of Brig Genl Swayne.

During my stay at Troy and adjoining Counties, I am pleased to say that the People generally are disposed to observe and respect the Laws and with fine Exceptions seem willing and anxious to return to their allegiances as Citizens of the United States. The Freedmen generally in the Country through which I traveled are doing with working industerously [[industriously]] and