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Prattville Dec'r 23d 1865
Col C. Cadle


Your communication of the 22d inst reached me by mail tonight. The facts of [[strikethrough]] thise outrages [[/strikethrough]] this outrage have [[?]] communicated to me by Jake the Freedman but as yet I have had no information as to the perpetrations. if I had I would use all diligence in bringing them to justice. Jake lived four miles from Prattville and I think these men does not belong to our neighbourhood as all good Citizens discountenance such proceedings and if they were discovered would make it shown to me at once. There is no disposition to keep the freedsmen from bettering their condition or to change their place of work that I am aware of. I do not doubt that there may be with some bad men, but public sentiment will prevent their doing anything, except by midnight raids 
All good citizens are doing all they can to put a stop to the strip that has           

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