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less disease, Mostly of a chronic type bilious [[Compta?]] 

The location of this colony is singularily ill adapt for the purposes to which it is applied being situated in poor piney wood, and on land which is inundated in rainy weather.

The condition of the Colony is of the most discouraging character, evincing long continued, and systematic neglect on the part of those who have heretofore been in charge.

Many of the dependents are without a change of garments, some being without underclothes, bedding or blankets, some sit around during the daytime in almost a state of nudity, and at night tumble into their bundle of rags to sleep

The man with the small pox has received neither medicine, nor medical attention, since he has been taken by the disease.

A woman, lately recovered from small pox, is now wearing the clothes in which she lay sick. The superintendent informs me that she has not changed her clothing for about six weeks- having neither bed, bedding, or clothing excepting such as is on her person.

Dr. T. H. Mills of Garland attended the sick at the colony from February till early in April at which time he refused to visit further patients in the colony, prescribe or furnish medicine, alleging as a reason for his action, that he had been unable to collect his bill for his service rendered to that date-