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Greenville, Ala. July 12th 1866

Maj. Gen. Wager Swayne,
Comd'g District of Ala.
Montgomery, Ala.

We have the honor herewith to transmit you a copy of a notice published in the press of this town, advertising for sale a piece of property located in Greensville, Ala., a copy of the title to which we also transmit you, and ask that you will have any proceedings in the matter quashed. 
As the sale is advertised to take place on the 21st inst., we would be pleased to hear from you at once, and know whether it will be necessary for us to take any steps in the case.
We have the honor to be
Very Respectfully Yr
Obt. Servts.
J. R. & H. S. Abrams