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Mobile Feb. 27' 1866.

Genl. Swayne,

I take the liberty of enclosing you an article written by me, and published with editorial comments which I also enclose, in the Mobile Register & Advertisor of this morning. 

I was led to the adoption of this course because my sensibilities have been deeply touched by the circumstances attending, and the result of the questions discussed, in the recent proceedings in Lowndes Co. The decision of the case seemed to me to fix on me an intention to defraud certain negroes - late my slaves. Such an imputation I will never submit to - come from what quarter it may. I shall enclose the article to the President, whom I know well, and others in Washington, and see if such proceedings are to be permitted. 

Now Genl. I had been led by friends to believe that you were an honorable & just man. But in this matter the grossest injustice has been done me. It is true the statement furnished you by Genl B. differed in some respects from the one I make in reference to the contract - but it was substantially correct and if you believed it it seems to me you ought not to have reversed yr first decision. Your