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Mobile Alabama
February 20 1866

To Brevet Major General Wager Swayne
Asst Comm of Bureau of R.F.& A.L. of Alabama


[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

In obedience to your special order No. 29. dated February 12. 1866, we submit the following report:
On arriving at Mobile we were unable to obtain any greater or better bid for the Steamer Vision than that of C.M. Goelbolt, stated in you order, and therefore sold the same to him for the sum of $40,500, that being the sum bid by him.  That on the 14th inst he having paid to us the said sum of $40,500, we executed to him a Bill of sale of said steamer.  That out of said purchase money, we have paid expenses on said steamer, and on the steamer Red Gauntlet and Mercy the sum of $13,148.07 leaving of said purchase money [[strikethrough]] money [[/strikethrough]] a balance of $27,351.93, which balance is now in the hands of your commissioner Edwin Beecher, Receiving and Disbursing Officer.  That said expenses includes all charges on said vessels, known to your commissioner up to and including the 13" day of February 1866, with the exception of a claim due M.S. Foote of Mobile which is yet to settle.  There will also be a further change of hands now on the Steamer Mercy, from the said 13th inst until they are discharged, which we hope to be able to do soon. 
Not having received any bids deemed satisfactory for said Steamers Red Gauntlet and Mercy, we have as directed by your order, advertised them for sale