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Huntsville, by way of Bridgeport and Guntersville.

From Chattanooga, I proceeded to Rome Ga. with the supplies for Cherokee Co. At the latter place I found six casks of Bacon already in store waiting the orders of Mr D.C. Turentine, a citizen of that county, who is acting as Agent.

I hired private conveyance from Rome to Centre, the county seat of Cherokee Co. for the purpose of making inquires in regard to the destitution of the people +c..

The Probate Judge Mr. L.J. Standifer, was not at home, but away on business, and consequently I did not see him, but left notification with his family, in regard to the supplies being at Rome, and I also left him instructions in regard to their issue. After ascertaining as much as possible the condition of the people, I returned to Rome.

I do not consider the destitution in Cherokee Co as great as reported, in fact, I heard of no cases of extreme suffering, and the supplies already sent I believe to be sufficient, if issued properly, to last until the first of April. The number drawn for in both counties, I believe to be too many by one half. There are case where help is needed, and assistance ought to be rendered, but their number is not as many as reported.

After returning to Rome, I made arrangements for the shipment of the supplies down the river to Centre by the first boat.

The freedman I found few in numbers and doing well, and from inquiries of them found they were generally well treated and were receiving fair wages.

I am Colonel,
Very respectfully, your Obt. Servt.
A.L. Brown
Capt. 50th Regt. U.S. Col'd Inf

Transcription Notes:
Missing periods and capitalizations