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T. 15. Post Montgomery 1866

Montgomery Ala
April 6 1866

Tack Wm G
Capt 178 N.Y. Inf
Actg Ord. Officer

Approves a sale of 1000 shells by the Freedmans bureau to Jennings Foundry at Montgomery Ala.

T. 15

Hdqrs. Post of Montgomery Ala.
April 6th 1866

Respectfully forwarded with report, that these shells amounting to about one thousand and a large quantity of fragments and castings have been sold by the Freedmans Bureau to Jennings Foundry at this place.

As by Circular from the Chief Ordnance Officer of the Department all Ordnance Property has to be collected and transferred to him — the case is respectfully submitted to you for action.

John B Gandolfo
Lieut Col. 178 N.Y Infty
Comdg Post

M. 264. Dept. Ala. 1866
Head Quarters
Dept of Alabama
Mobile Ala April 8. 1866

Respectfully referred to Capt. Wm S. Beebe Chf Ord. Off. Dept of Alabama

By command of Bvt. Maj. Genl C.R. Woods 
A Ramsey Nininger

EB A 545

(One enclosure)

Recd Dept Ala April 7th 1866