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Pennsylvania Freedman’s Relief Association.
Canvassing and Supply Department,
Office, No. 418 Walnut Street. 
Philadelphia, Jan. 18 1866

Brev. Maj. Gen. Swayne
Asst. Com. Bu. Ref. Freed. &c. Mont. Ala.

Dear Sir
We have sent this day to your address three bales of blankets, being part of an invoice from England for the Freedmen. We trust you may be able to relieve some distress by their reception.
I should be obliged to you if you would give instructions to those who distribute them to preserve such incidents & other information connected with their distribution as shall be gratifying to our friends in England, & encourage them on their "labor of love".
Yours truly
Jos. Parrish Sec.
per A. Cather

Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed Archive stamp per SI ignore, changes and corrections