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Columbus Georgia,
February 16th 1866

Gen. Wager Swayne

Dear Sir.

I employed 1st January last a freedman his family, consisting of his wife and six children, the oldest eight years of age. I was to give the man and his wife wages, out of which they were to furnish the children, with provisions and clothing. About three or four week, since the man was taken ill with Small Pox and allthough having good attention paid him, under my orders and at my expense, he died. The children have also had the disease, and are just now recovering. The mother of course is not able to support herself or them. They ave no change of clothing and are almost entirely destitute of Bed clothing & when they recover from Small Pox, will have their clothing burned.

I learn that supplies of Provisions Blankets have been ent by you to Girard, for Small Pox cases, when to Patients are indigent I have made application for supplies for this family, to which it seems to me