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Greenville Butter County Ala,
February 28th 1866

General Swayne Superintendent of Freeds bureau Montgomery Ala. dear sir, I am at Greenville for the purpose of Receiving the rations appropriated by the State the County of Dale for the month of February [[strikethrough]]186[[/strikethrough]] 1866. I saw Mr. Cone Nishant at Montgomery [[strikethrough]]cu[[/strikethrough]] a short time since and he informed me that these hundred rations per day for said were or would be in a few days at this parish, and as [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] they are not here will you do our poor County the great favor to give these to us at Columbia Alabama and if you cannot do this will you pleaz deliver these at Eufaula Ala. the distance being so great from this parish to Newton and the roads verry bad and teams & wagons hard to get & the County at presant Insolvent with all the chance to get these from this parish is desperate. your petitioner will ever pray. I hope to here from you at your earliest convenience. Your obedient servant, Daniel Carmichael, Judge of Probate Dale Co. Ala