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Office Sup't R.,F. & A. L.,
Sub-District Huntsville,
Huntsville, Ala, March 20th 1866

Col Cadle
A.A. Gen'l.

I have a Lieut, on duty with me who has been with me since  I came here. He belongs to the "3d Col'd Heavy Artillery" is fast becoming obnoxious to me and distastful to others have I the authority or have I not to order him releived [[relieved]] and sent to his Regt. without orders from superior authority. I think he was ordered to duty here by Genl Fisk when he had charge of Ala. please answer immediately with full instructions in such cases
I am Col. Very Respectfully &c
Jno B Callis
Bvt Col & Supt BRF & AL.
Dist Huntsville Ala