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Prairie Bluff Wilcox Co March 26, 66

Genl W. Swayne

Dear Sir
When I returned home finding that neither Moye or Craig had received any notice of their appointment as agents for The Bureau. I called your attention to the matter by letter. I have just been informed that Capt Bull of U.S. Army has been appointed, and is now at Camden and has a file of soldiers with him. All this I suppose has been deemed necessary because of the shameful acts of three or four citizens of Camden, of which I have heard - No one pretends to justify or excuse such conduct. The only blame, which can attach to the community is that those few individuals, were not immediately dealt with - In  this the corporate authorities of Camden were remiss, as well as the other conservators of the peace - All this is readily conceded. Still I hope you will appoint the persons named - because, in my opinion, they will act as fairly and honestly by the Freedmen as any other party - because all parties will be better satisfied with the acts of one of our own citizens than with a stranger - and he a soldier - and also because, I feel some considerable personal interest in this matter in this way. I had written home from Montgomery that Moye & Craig would be appointed - and it was certainly expected - and I may be charged with carelessness or some other fault - The people generally about Camden as I am told feel that under the circumstances which  have transpired, they could hardly expect to have their wishes consulted or regarded - and do not complain

Transcription Notes:
I wrote the bulk of the transcription, but there are a few undecipherable (by me) words that I hope someone else can figure out!