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Sub. Dis'ct Tuscaloosa Ala
Tuscaloosa April 7th 1866

Col. C. Cadle Jnr
A. A. G.
Bureau of R. F. and A. L

I have the honor to enclose the monthly report of rations for March, I do not know wheather thay are correct or not I have drawn them from Judge McGuires report to me Name Age Sex & Coler over all that was given to me. I had to get the sex of the children as near as I could. I drew the rations from Lieut Thompson & turned them over in bulk to Judge McGuire.
I drew for 31 days 300 per day 9300 Total. Please find Invoice & receipts inclosed.
This months rations wer issued before I received your communication.
Everything looks fine for us in the Bureau have had only a few cases of complaint against Freedman
I have the honor to remain very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
J. W. Cogswell
Capt 34 N.J. Vol  Asst Supt Bureau of R. F. and A. L