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"Copy" Office Chief 2nd Master
Mil. Div. of the Gulf
New Orleans La May 2 1866
Major Wickham Hoffman
Asst Adjt. General
Dept. of Louisiana.

In reply to your communication having date of May 1st concerning the Steamers "Mary Virgin", and "Red Gauntlet", I have the honor to state that immediately after the Surrender to Major General E.R.S. Canby, of the rebel forces under Lieut Genl. Richard Taylor.  Genl. Taylor's Chief 2nd Master reported to me verbally the location of the three blockade runners mentioned which he informed me had been the property of the Qr. Masters Dept. of the Confederate Service.  Keepers were sent by my direction to take charge of and protect the property on these boats, until the Stage of water on the Tombigbee River, would admit of their being brought out of that River.