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of these much needed supplies. I think I may safely add that an increase of fity per cent to the present estimate would by no means suffice to meet the pressing demands of those who daily cry for bread.

In the small precinct of a [[strikethrough]] single [[/strikethrough]] Justice of the Peace thirty families representing two hundred persons, chiefly widows and orphans have made application under oath for relief on the ground of destitution.

In another county a state senator of some prominence who had brought corn for distribution purchased with funds raised by him for that purpose, issued to five hundred families for one month and reported his supply insufficient.

Were I to resort to individual cases as evidence of the extreme suffering in certain localities I might rehearse stories that would well to tears, the veriest stoic. Only a few days since one of the Judges in an upper county

Transcription Notes:
veriest — superlative of very