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Bureau R.F.& A L Dist Nor Ala
Office of Superintendent
Huntsville July 5, 1866

I have the honor to transmit herewith the claim for arrears of Pay & Bounty, and for Pension of Rose Murphy Widow of Nelson Murphy decd, late privt Co K 111th U.S.C.I. who was killed May 20th 1865. Also applications for arrears of Pay & Bounty and for Pension of Caroline Miner Widow of Frank Miner, decd, late a Privt Co K 111th USCI who died Jany 15th 1866: Also application of Anachy Bolan, [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] widow of Edward Bolan decd, late Privt Co K 111th U.S.C.I. who died soon after enlistment, for Arrears of Pay & Bounty and for Pension: Also application of George Roper who was dischd from Co. F 44th USCI April 30th 1866 for Bounty.

I am Colonel Very Respectfully
Your Obt Serv
Jno B. Callis
Bvt Col U S V & Supt

Col. C. Cadle, Jr. A. A. G.
Montgomery Ala