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Mobile Ala
July 8th 1866

Major General W Swayne

I have just received information from a friend of mine formerly of Selma Ala named Jackson that a consperesy is on foot to put me out of the way and it is better for me to leave the city  he came at stopped last night at the same hotel with me and at two oclock this morning to my room and warned me of the facts  my trunks are in the express office and I am in debt for board and I se no way in the world for me to get away unless you will assist me  I will go to New Orleans and wait until I hear from some friends in Washington  I have made out a full report of all the facts that I am in possession of in regard of the Slave Trade and gave it to Mr T F Mancosses Chief of Military Police and will communicate with him from New Orleans 

anything you can do for me will be remembered with gratitude

I am yours with great respect
R.D. Cunningham

Transcription Notes:
Misspellings left as-is.