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Head-Quarters, District of Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala., August 14th 1866

Bvt. Lieut. Genl. A. R. Nininger
A.A.G., Dept. of the South
Macon Ga.

I have the honor to recommend that the application of Bvt. Maj. C. W. Pierce V.R.C. for a leave of absence forwarded from this Office on the 3rd of July 1866, be granted so that he may take advantage of it upon the adjournment of the General Court Martial convened by Special Orders No. 42, 
Maj. Pierce has been sick for some time and needs a trip north to recuperate, His services can be spared at Demopolis as there is an officer there to take his place.

Transcription Notes:
did not include seal. writing on seal is "The National Archives of the United States". (Note: per SI ignore this stamp, not a seal) Edited: changes and corrections, Bvt is for Brevet,