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Greenville Ala Octr 2d, 1866
Maj. General Swaine

Sir I see by circular that giving rations has stoped only to those that are regular in [[?]] assistance from houses or Hospitals and County has neither and really we are two poor to establish one  at this time we have several I will say 35 or 40 in one county this is entirely upon the Charities of the public or County  I shall take steps to lease or rent a suitable house for this class of people   If I shall do so will I be entitled to rations for it. General  I would like to hear from you upon this subject  I am sir yours with the [[highest?]] respect
Hon T. Cottle
Judge of Probate 

Transcription Notes:
There is a stamp (reads National Archives), between Maj. General Swaine and "Sir I see".