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Office Dec 15/66.

Genl. W. Swayne

We are trying a case of 8 1/4 acre land bought by the Confed States of P. J. Weaver in Selma & $48,000 Confed. money paid for it. The land adjoins the naval foundary and is very valuable - I check there is no question as to the title, by the conquest & purchase & use made of the land; but the matter of doubt with me is, whether we had better have the land turned over to your Bureau, or allow the condemnation, and Sale by the Marshall and claim what may remain of the proceeds after the Cost Shall have been deducted. I am inclined to think the order had better be that the marshal turn the land over to you without sale. What say you?
Truly yours
W. P. Chilton
[[?]] C. & S. Att's.

The act, S12, gives the land c. within said as to condemning it in Court - C - }

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