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The Judges of Probate and other members of the Commissioner's Court are regarded as the guardians of the poor in their respective Counties. Their position is important and responsible. A failure to secure and distribute the food provided by the Government may bring untold suffering and starvation upon many helpless women and children or aged and infirm persons. The Government will place these supplies at convenient depots, selecting the most accessible points. Any further expense attending their transportation or distribution will have to be borne by the Counties. The Rail Road companies and steamboat captains and other common carriers have shown great liberality in carrying the supplies for the poor, and will make the most favorable arrangement with Counties unable to pay transportation.
Reports of Agents will be promptly forwarded by the M. H. CRUIKSHANK, State Commissioner, Montgomery, Ala.
The Agent should keep a record of all parties to whom food is issued, so that duplicate reports may be prepared in case the original be lost. He should also obtain a certificate of the Probate Judge of the County stating that his monthly report had been properly prepared and duly forwarded to the State Commissioner, which certificate or the report itself ready to be forwarded, should be presented to the Agent of the depot at which supplies are drawn, when application is made for a second issue.
Copies of this letter and accompanying circulars and orders should be retained by the Probate Judge, and copies of each should be furnished to the County Agent.
Supplies will probably reach the several depots by the ___ day of ___ 186 ___. County Agents might save unnecessary expense by ascertaining that their supplies were at the depot before sending wagons.
If supplies sent to any County are not needed or are insufficient, or are not drawn for any reason, Probate Judges or County Agents are earnestly requested to advise the Commissioner promptly and fully.
Yours, respectfully,
Commissioner for the Destitute in Alabama.