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United States Military Telegraph
The following Telegram received at [[strikethrough]] New Orleans [[/strikethrough]] Montgomery 186
From Hilton Head S.C. M.
Dated, Jany 13rd 1866

All Offices:
To avoid that confusion and delay which has lately attended the settlement of Government accounts with the Telegraph Companies; Offices and others interested are requested to observe Extract Three (3) General Orders No. Seventy Three (73) War Dept etc, which provides that Official Telegrams shall in all cases be paid for by the party sending them, who may look for remuneration to the Quartermaster's Dept on presenting a copy of the Telegram to show that it was on public business and that the matter demanded this mode of communication. The Telegraph Companies are not expected to present the bills for such services to the Quartermasters Dept, nor can they be expected to forward messages which are not prepaid by the

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